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Overview of Tutorial Library

Already a member of KR Fine Art Academy?
Access the tutorials by signing in here and using the simple built-in navigation system!

This page gives you an overview of the tutorials you will have immediate access to when you join KR Fine Art Academy!


The KR Fine Art Academy includes a simple built-in navigation system so once you have joined, you will see all of the tutorials in one place, without having to go to a separate website to find the tutorial library! 


Watch this video to take a look at what the KR Fine Art Academy looks like and how easy it is to navigate!

What is "KR Fine Art Academy" and what benefits do I get?

B E G I N N E R ?   S T A R T   H E R E !

In the first tutorial, I’ll show you how to choose and edit your reference photo, create digital colour swatches, print your reference photo to the correct size, and create an outline using the transfer method!


Then I have selected some full-length tutorials that I recommend you start with!

P A S T E L 

C O L O U R E D   P E N C I L 

C H A R C O A L   &   G R A P H I T E